Preliminary Results
2013 Etchells Lobster Bowl Regatta


FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 11:00:00   # of Racers: 25  
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 1
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 2
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 3
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 4
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 5
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 6
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 7
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 8
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 9
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 10
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 11
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 12
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 13
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 14
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 15
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 16
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 17
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 18
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 19
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 20
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 21
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 22
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 23
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 24
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNC
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 11:00:00   # of Racers: 26  
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 1
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 2
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 3
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 4
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 5
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 6
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 7
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 8
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 9
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 10
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 11
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 12
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 13
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 14
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 15
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 16
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 17
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 18
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 19
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 20
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 21
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 22
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 23
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 24
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNS
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 11:00:00   # of Racers: 26  
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 1
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 2
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 3
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 4
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 5
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 6
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 7
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 8
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 9
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 10
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 11
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 12
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 13
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 14
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 15
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 17
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 18
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 19
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 20
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 21
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 21
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 22
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 23
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 24
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNS
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 12:54:00   Race Len.: 1.40   Course Desc: 185 degrees   # of Racers: 26  
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 1
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 2
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 3
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 4
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 5
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 6
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 7
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 9
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 10
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 11
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 12
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 13
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 13
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 14
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 15
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 16
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 17
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 18
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 19
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 20
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 21
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 22
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 23
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 24
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNS
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 00:00:00   Race Len.: 1.40   # of Racers: 26  
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 1
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 2
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 3
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 4
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 5
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 6
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 7
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 8
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 9
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 10
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 11
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 12
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 13
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 14
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 15
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 16
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 17
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 18
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 19
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 20
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 21
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 22
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 23
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNS
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 RET
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 15:22:00   Race Len.: 1.10   Course Desc: course 5, 185 degrees   # of Racers: 26  
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 1
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 2
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 3
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 4
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 5
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 6
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 7
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 8
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 9
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 10
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 11
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 12
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 13
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 14
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 15
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 16
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 17
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 18
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 19
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 20
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 21
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 22
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 23
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 24
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNS
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 11:00:00   # of Racers: 26  
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 1
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 2
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 3
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 4
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 5
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 6
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 7
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 8
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 9
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 10
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 11
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 12
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 13
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 14
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 15
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 16
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 17
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 18
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 19
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 20
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 21
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 22
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 23
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 DNS
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNS
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 11:00:00   # of Racers: 26  
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny Boston YC 988 1
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick Corinthian YC 1328 2
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha - 1012 3
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert - 1105 4
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva Corinthian YC 1221 5
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart - 1200 6
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker - 1260 7
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa Portland YC 310 8
Etchells Brouder, Daniel - 3 9
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota - 1224 10
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish Etchells Fleet 27 597 11
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry - 1309 12
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot - 1111 13
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep Portland YC 598 14
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell Portland YC 50 15
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache Corinthian YC 1061 16
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo Portland YC 75 17
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk NE Habor Fleet 493 18
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe Portland YC 711 19
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound Portland YC 315 20
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely Portland YC 1103 21
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey Etchells Fleet 27 186 22
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus Etchells Fleet 27 796 DNS
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 - 1341 DNS
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE - 1388 DNF
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 11:00:00   # of Racers: 0  
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    Start: 11:00:00   # of Racers: 0  
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Etchells    # of Racers: 0  
FleetNameYacht NameSail No.PlacePointsNotes
Etchells Zinn, Jack Red Stripe 711 17 95
Etchells Stadel, Patricia Crapshoot 1111 15 87
Etchells Brouder, Daniel 3 16 87
Etchells Thomas, J. Scott FotoFinish 597 14 84
Etchells Morin, Chris More Cowbell 50 13 82
Etchells McLaughlin, Paul Panache 1061 12 79
Etchells Sulick, Peter Lakota 1224 11 67
Etchells Naylon, Terry & Toso, Mark Hat Trick 1328 10 65
Etchells Lalumiere, Todd Indefinitely 1103 9 57
Etchells Hitchcock, Robert 1105 8 54
Etchells Brush/Felis Landed Gentry 1309 7 49
Etchells Hornos, Tomas Destiny 988 6 44
Etchells Kelly, Alan Playmaker 1260 5 39
Etchells Hardenbergh, Ted Natasha 1012 4 38
Etchells Gilbert, Gary ANNIE 1388 3 34
Etchells Girling, Steve Lion Heart 1200 2 32
Etchells Edwards, Wade Riva 1221 1 30
Etchells Poindexter, Charles US 1341 1341 25 182
Etchells Caven, Timothy Touch of Grey 186 24 160
Etchells Wright, Jack Girl Talk 493 23 146
Etchells Doherty, Rick Aeolus 796 22 143
Etchells Sprague, Seth Medusa 310 21 123
Etchells Stern, Andrew Voodoo 75 20 113
Etchells Milburn, John Greyhound 315 19 109
Etchells Lalumiere, Matt Black Sheep 598 18 106
Fleet - Etchells    # of Races: 8     # of Entries: 25     # of Starters: 26  
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